Monday, December 12, 2016

Final: Reflective Post

This class to me over all was very helpful and eye opening for me overall in seeing how much technology is truly embedded in to teaching. As for the text book I found this very useful and interesting. I am the type of person who doesn’t really keep textbooks because I feel that I wouldn’t use them anymore. But there is no chance that I will be getting rid of this textbook. The textbook is useful for technology tools, software's, hardware, and web based applications for classroom use.  This text book actually makes me excited for the future because I feel like it’s a gold mind for teachers.

As for the discussion and assignment parts of this class for the most part I enjoyed very much. I am in two online classes this semester, so I really wasn’t able to meet as many people as I would have in campus classes. But in these assignments and discussions I was able to communicate with others and still meet a new person or two. Which to me is always important because the people in your classes are so resourceful. You never know who you may meet and how they can help you succeed.

I cannot think of anything negative this course issued other than the one speed bump that occurred during one of my group projects. I think that most people take online classes because they enjoy doing work on their own, they find that it is the best way they can learn. And when we had communication issues with our group project it brought out the fact that we signed up for a course that we could do on our timing, based on the schedule our lives have for us. And having to try to get a hold of people, who are on a totally different schedule as us, puts us at a disadvantage from the start. I did not get mad over the complications because I simply understood that it was out of my power that my group members and I had separate schedules that differed completely. When the issue was brought to my attention I tried to move forward as swiftly as possible, and knew that was all I could do. When Professor Coleman asked us to use this as a life learning experience I think that there was some to learn, for each professor and student.

And last but not least, I cannot thank Professor Coleman enough for always understanding, and willingness to help me succeed in this course. From the very beginning, to the very end. (This post for example, I thought for some reason was due this upcoming Wednesday. And I came home at 11 pm from working all day and went to study for my final tomorrow and saw where Professor Coleman messaged me about my second chance.) Thank you so much! 
Creative Commons Photo By: hellojenuine
This course may require a lot of work and dedication, but with a professor who is as dedicated as Professor Coleman it makes students enjoy their school work and want to better themselves. I had many unexpected events this semester, which set me back, but I was able to conquer and not be conquered. That to me is my greatest lesson that I will carry with me as I pass through the milestone of graduating with my Associates Degree this semester. 
Creative Commons Photo By: Ayca Karaoglan
Maloy, Robert, Verock-O’Loughlin,Ruth-Ellen, Edwards, Sharon A., and Woolf, Beverly Park (2013). Transforming Learning with New Technologies. 2nd Edition. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc.